Oral Health Data Report

{{selected.county.countyName}} County
Source: Minnesota Department of Health, Oral Health Program, Minnesota Oral Health Statistics System

Oral Health Status

Indicator: Dental sealants (children)
Medicaid Population

Child and Teen Checkups eligible children (0 to 20 years) use of dental sealant services, 2020

Location <1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-9 years 10-14 years 15-18 years 19-20 years All age groups combined
{{elig.location}} {{elig.under1}}% {{elig.under3}}% {{elig.under5}}% {{elig.under9}}% {{elig.under14}}% {{elig.under18}}% {{elig.under20}}% {{elig.agesCombined}}%

Indicator: Oral and pharyngeal cancer (all ages)

Minnesotans with oral and pharyngeal cancer, 2014 to 2018

Location New cancers (number) Population Incidence rate (per 100,000) 95% confidence interval
{{cancer.location}} {{cancer.count}} {{cancer.population}} {{cancer.rate}} {{cancer.ci}}

Dental/Oral Health Service Use

Indicator: Past Year Dental Visits (all ages)
Medicaid Population

Dental service use among Minnesota Health Care Programs enrollees, 2020

Location 0-5 years 6-20 years 21-55 years 56-69 years 70-84 years 85-100 years All age groups combined
{{use.location}} {{use.to5}}% {{use.to20}}% {{use.to55}}% {{use.to69}}% {{use.to84}}% {{use.to100}}% {{use.combined}}%

Indicator: Dental service use (children)
Medicaid Population

Child and Teen Checkups eligible children (0 to 20 years) dental service use, 2020

Location <1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-9 years 10-14 years 15-18 years 19-20 years All age groups combined
{{sc.location}} {{sc.under1}}% {{sc.under3}}% {{sc.under5}}% {{sc.under9}}% {{sc.under14}}% {{sc.under18}}% {{sc.under20}}% {{sc.agesCombined}}%

Indicator: Preventive dental service use (children)
Medicaid Population

Child and Teen Checkups eligible children (0 to 20 years) preventive dental service use, 2020

Location <1 year 1-2 years 3-5 years 6-9 years 10-14 years 15-18 years 19-20 years All age groups combined
{{prevent.location}} {{prevent.under1}}% {{prevent.under3}}% {{prevent.under5}}% {{prevent.under9}}% {{prevent.under14}}% {{prevent.under18}}% {{prevent.under20}}% {{prevent.agesCombined}}%

Dental Workforce and Access to Care

Indicator: Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas

Minnesota Dental Health Professional Shortage Areas, 2012

Location Full County Partial County Not Designated
Minnesota 60.9% 6.9% 32.2%
Total number of dental HPSAs     124
Selected county: {{selected.county.countyName}}     {{hpsa}}

Population Characteristics

Indicator: Median household income

Median household income among Minnesotans, {{medianIncome[0].year}}

Location Median household income
{{income.location}} {{income.value}}

Indicator: Children in poverty

Minnesota children (age 18 and younger) living in poverty, {{childrenInPoverty[0].year}}

Location Poverty (number) Poverty (percent) 90% confidence interval
{{poverty.location}} {{poverty.povValue}} {{poverty.povPct}}% {{poverty.ci}}

Indicator: People without health insurance

Minnesotans without health insurance (age 65 and younger), 2018

Location Uninsured (number) Uninsured (percent) 90% confidence interval
{{healthIns.location}} {{healthIns.insValue}} {{healthIns.insPct}}% {{healthIns.ci}}

Indicator: Free and reduced price lunch eligibility
School poverty

Minnesota public school (K to 12) students eligible for free and reduced price lunch program, 2017-2018

Location Enrollees (number) Total eligible free and
reduced price lunch (number)
Total eligible free and
reduced price lunch (percent)
{{frpl.location}} {{frpl.enrollees}} {{frpl.eligibleNum}} {{frpl.eligiblePct}}%

Oral Health Status

Indicator: Tooth loss (older adults)

Tooth loss among older adults (age 65 and older), 2016

Indicator Minnesota United States
No tooth loss 36.2% 28.0%
Partial tooth loss 49.8% 54.2%
Complete tooth loss 9.9% 13.9%

Dental/Oral Health Service Use

Indicator: Past Year Dental Visits (all ages)
Total Population

Dental service use among Minnesota adults (2016) and children (2018-2019)

Age group Minnesota United States
Adults (age 18 and older)1 73.4% (95% CI = 72.6 to 74.2) 65.1% (95% CI = 64.8 to 65.4)
Children (age 17 and younger)2 78.2% (95% CI = 74.4 to 81.4) 80.3% (95% CI = 79.5 to 81.0)

Indicator: Preventive Dental Service Use (children)
Total Population

Preventive dental service use among all Minnesota children (age 17 and younger), 2018-2019

Location 0-5 years 6-11 years 12-17 years
Minnesota 52.5% (95% CI = 45.5 to 59.5) 90.8% (95% CI = 84.6 to 94.7) 89.0% (95% CI = 83.5 to 92.8)
United States 61.0% (95% CI = 59.3 to 62.6) 88.3% (95% CI = 87.1 to 89.4) 85.9% (95% CI = 84.7 to 86.9)

Indicator: One or more oral health problems (children)
Total Population

One or more oral health problems among all Minnesota children (age 17 and younger), 2016

Location One or more oral health problems
Minnesota 10.0% (95% CI = 7.7 to 12.9)
United States 14.0% (95% CI = 13.4 to 14.7)

Population Characteristics

Indicator: Minnesotans without dental insurance

Minnesotans without dental insurance, 2019

Minnesotans without dental insurance Notes Location Year Info
25.3% Minnesota Health Access Survey Minnesota 2019 info

Indicator: Minnesotans with forgone dental care

Minnesotans with forgone dental care, 2019

Minnesotans without dental insurance Notes Location Year Info
15.5% Minnesota Health Access Survey Minnesota 2019 info

Indicator: People without dental insurance

Minnesotans without dental insurance, 2013

Location 0 to 17 years 18 to 34 years 35 to 64 years 65 and older
Minnesota 12.4% 21.6% 38.8% 27.2%