Minnesota and Wisconsin Tracking Programs

Risk messaging resources for heat vulnerability

New population identified at risk of heat-related illness

Heat-related Illness Emergency Department Visits, Minnesota and Wisconsin by County, 2006-2015

A digital communications toolkit has been developed for your use to message about heat-related illness with vulnerable populations – especially the newly-defined, at-risk population of young men, ages 15 to 34.

While children and the elderly are still most at risk, this younger, male population should also be informed in future public health outreach efforts around heat alerts.

Resources below include key message fact sheet, social media content, graphics and newsletter content in the toolkit below.


Social Media

Fact Sheet

Newsletter article



Minnesota and Wisconsin are similar in geography, populations and population distribution. When both states began to see similarities in emergency department visits, this data analyisis collaboration ensued. Learn more about the data:

Minnesota’s heat resources: https://data.web.health.state.mn.us/web/mndata/heat

Wisconsin’s heat resources: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/climate/heat.htm



This toolkit is brought to you by the Minnesota and Wisconsin Tracking Programs.


Related links:

Extreme Heat Events - MDH Climate and Health Program