Poverty: Median household income

Income is often linked to health status

Income is important for assessing the ability of an individual or family obtain daily necessities (such as food, shelter, clothing, and health care) and is often linked with health status. Household income is calculated using all sources of individual income, including all individuals living together who are related. Household income is used to determine a family's poverty status and is often strongly associated with health status. Median household income means that half of all Minnesotan households have a higher annual income and half are lower than the median income.

Tracking the median household income in Minnesota can illustrate trends over time. 

Median household income in Minnesota began to increase again in 2012

Median household income in Minnesota increased from 2000 to 2008, decreased in 2009, and began to increase again in 2012. The statewide average has been consistently higher than the national average over time. In 2019, the median household income in Minnesota was $74,593, which means half of all Minnesotan households currently make more than that a year and half make less.

Median household income in Minnesota by year

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Source: American Community Survey 1-year estimates.

For related data, see People in poverty: facts & figures.

For additional demographic data, including population size, poverty rates, and unemployment rates, see the Minnesota Vital Statistics State and County Trend Reports.