Asthma hospitalizations in Minnesota

Asthma hositalizations visits in Minnesota:

Asthma hospitalizations in Minnesota

Rate is age-adjusted. Source: Minnesota Hospital Association. The break indicates a change in International Classification of Disease (ICD) coding from ICD-9 to ICD-10 on October 1st, 2015. Rates from 2000-2014 should not be compared to rates from 2015 and later.


Asthma hospitalization rates have been steadily decreasing over the past decade. Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled and managed with adequate access to medical care, medications, trigger avoidance, and self-management.

Asthma hospitalizations in Minnesota, by age and sex

Source: Minnesota Hospital Association, 2019.


The highest asthma hospitalization rates are in children under the age of 5 years. The rate decreases until middle age and then starts to increase for older age groups. Among children, asthma hospitalization rates are higher for boys than girls, while among adults, rates are higher for women than for men. The age-adjusted asthma hospitalization rate is 2.8 for males and 3.7 for females per 10,000 people. 

Asthma hospitalizations in Minnesota, by month

Source: Minnesota Hospital Association, 2019.


In Minnesota, asthma hospital admissions follow seasonal patterns. More people are hospitalized for asthma in the spring and fall, and fewer are hospitalized in the summer. A major contributor to the fall increase in asthma hospitalizations is thought to be increasing rates of respiratory infections associated with children going back to school. Other possible contributing factors include pollen and mold. 

Asthma hospitalizations in Minnesota, by region

Rate is age-adjusted. Source: Minnesota Hospital Association. The break indicates a change in International Classification of Disease (ICD) coding from ICD-9 to ICD-10 on October 1st, 2015. Rates from 2000-2014 should not be compared to rates from 2015 and later.


Asthma hospitalization rates among children (0-17 years) in the 7-county Twin Cities metropolitan area have decreased dramatically since 2000; however, they remain the highest in the state. Asthma hospitalization rates among children in Greater Minnesota have decreased after 2007. Hospitalization rates for adults in the Twin Cities metro area are also declining, while rates for adults in Greater Minnesota remain stable. In 2018, the asthma hospitalization rate for metro area children was almost double the rate of children in Greater Minnesota. 



Note: Hospitalization data do not include data from federal and sovereign hospitals (e.g., Veteran's Administration, Indian Health Service) or data on Minnesota residents discharged from Wisconsin hospitals. For more information, see About the asthma data.


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