About the cancer data

This page provides general information about the cancer data and measures developed by the Minnesota Tracking Program. For more information about these data, contact us.

  • The incidence of cancer in Minnesota residents by year.
  • The incidence of some cancers in Minnesota residents by age group, race/ethnicity, gender, or region of the state.
  • If a measure is going up or down over time.
  • If a segment of a population is at higher risk for cancer or a specific type of cancer.
  • MCSS collects information on microscopically-confirmed malignant and most in situ tumors. MCSS does not count clinically-diagnosed cancers that a physician diagnoses using other medical equipment (e.g., MRI or chest X-ray) without microscopic confirmation of a tissue sample.
  • For brain, liver, and pancreatic cancer: unlike other state or regional cancer registries, from 1988-2011 the Minnesota Cancer Surveillance System (MCSS) only counted cancers that were microscopically confirmed. Rates in Minnesota may not be comparable to rates in other states that count these cancers diagnosed without tissue confirmation. Beginning in 2012 MCSS started collecting data on cancers that were clinically diagnosed (radiography, CAT scans and MRIs). The increase in rates in 2012 for these cancers are due to the collection of clinically-diagnosed cancers.